Friday, April 16, 2010

Dissertation Finished!

It has been too long since I have posted, but I have been extremely busy finishing my dissertation. I just defended the dissertation on Wednesday. You can download it here.


Hahnstudios said...

Congrat for your dissertation!!
Have begun reading the first lines of the dissertation an looking forward to read the whole thing!!

Konrad Useo said...

A very informative & interesting read.Big congrats.& thanks for posting it for the rest of us.

Liam said...

Thanks for the comments. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any suggestions or critiques. I am hoping to turn this into a book in the next few years and would love any feedback.

Dani said...

I just found your blog. Congrats on the dissertation.. it's going to be my read over tea this evening. Great topic- I look forward to reading it!

Nerd42 said...

I just found your blog too. Are you gonna keep discussing / researching this subject or are you done now that your paper's out?

Nerd42 said...

BTW I do mashups

Anonymous said...

Well, Liam, we so proud of you, and more importantly, happy for you. I obviously cannot participate in mashups discussions, but will certainly testify to your hard work as well as your descriptions of your wife and dog. All the best to you, always.
--Your father-in-law

aram said...

congrats! good luck on the job market.